
Ruby is a programming language with the following properties:

  • Dynamic - Programming behaviours are executed at runtime
  • Interpreted - Most instructions executed directly without first compiling them into machine code
  • Reflective - Capable of modifying its strcture and behaviour at runtime
  • Object-oriented - Objects containing data and methods instantiated from classes to enable a modularized code base
  • General purpure - Used in a wide variaty of domains.
  • It was created in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto.

    Hello World

    To print out "Hello World" the console:

    puts "Hello World"

    'Puts'is short for put string. It ends with a newline (\n) returns undefined.


    Variables are declared without needing to explicitly define the type. It is clear to ruby what type the variable is from how you declare it

    a = "I am a string" b = 3 #Fixnum c= 3.3 #Float

    Everything in ruby is an object - which means that each time you declare a variable as in the case above, these variables have access to a wide variaty of methods inherant in the type of object that is instantiated as.

    Variable scope

    There are four levels of variable scope:

    g = "I am a global variable" #defined outside of any Function def someFunction l = "I am a local variable" #can only be accessed from within the function end def class MyClass @@class_var = "I am a class variable" #Available to any instantiation of the class def classFunction @instance_var = "I am an instance variable" #Available to every function within an instance of the class end end

    A Ruby constant is like a variable, except that its value is supposed to remain constant for the duration of the program. The Ruby interpreter does not actually enforce the constancy of constants, but it does issue a warning if a program changes the value of a constant.

    A_CONSTANT = "I am a constant"

    Ruby knows that you have declared a constant from the all caps declaration.

    Data types

    These are the basic data types in ruby:

    s = "I am a string" fixnum = 3 #number Fixnum (integer) float = 3.3 #number Float array = ["a", 1, 2, "hello"] #Array hash = {name: "Robin", lastName: "Bson"} #Hash s = :unique #Symbol I_Am_True = true #bolean

    Then there are blocks which as far as I know is unique to ruby:

    {puts "Hello yo"} #or do puts "Hello yo" end # Pass block to function without having to define it as a function parameter (called when yielded) def f yield end f {puts "I am a block"} # => I am a block

    If statements:

    if x > 2 puts "x is greater than 2" elsif x < 2 puts "x is less than 2" else puts "x is 2" end

    While loop:

    while true puts "Infinite loop" end


    for i in (1..5) puts i i += 1; end #same result (1..5).each {|i| puts i}
    Function declarations

    Declaring and using a function is simple enough:

    def quad(x) x**4 end quad(4) # => 256

    Notice abscence of return-keyword. A ruby function/method returns the last line of the function by default


    This site has been made to practice writing technical doucumentation pages. For a complete guide on the ruby languate i recommend